Merħba fil-plumtri! Il-Pjattaforma ta' riċerka u innovazzjoni.
plumtri hija pjattaforma li sservi bħala għodda għall-partijiet interessati f'R&I fir-Reġjun tal-Mediterran. L-għan ewlieni ta’ plumtri hija li tiffaċilita n-netwerking u l-qsim tal-għarfien kif ukoll isservi bħala "one-stop-shop" għal informazzjoni dwar l-aħħar aħbarijiet, avvenimenti u opportunitajiet ta’ finanzjament fl-isferi ta R&I.
Meta tirreġistra ma' plumtri, ikollok aċċess għall-karatteristiċi utli kollha tagħha, inkluż il-possibbilità li ssib imsieħba għal riċerka kollaborattiva, taħdem ma’ membri oħra, kif ukoll tikseb aċċess għal aktar riżorsi relatati mar-R&I.
plumtri hija amministrata mill-Kunsill Malti għax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija (MCST).
The SmartGaze project, funded by Xjenza Malta, formerly the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) under the Smart Cities programme, has made significant strides in developing a cutting-edge ...
Composite materials are made up of two or more distinct constituent materials encapsulated together that when combined develop a new material capable to take advantage of the individual material prope ...
The JPI Oceans initiative, Science for Good Environmental Status (S4GES), has completed the first phase of its work and published a pivotal paper introducing a novel approach to monitoring and evaluat ...
The Info Day will include a presentation of the policy background to this call for proposals, information on the call, how to apply, and tips and tricks for preparing your application.Participants wil ...
Source of Funding: Xjenza Malta
Lead Partner (Country): Malta
Xjenza Malta is receiving proposals under the Research Networking Scheme (RNS). The Scheme consists of two components, the Networking Scheme and the Open ...
Source of Funding: European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)
The call for proposals under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) supporting Smart Specialisation and Innovation in the EU sustainable blue eco ...
Source of Funding: SEE Bridge Project
Are you a Social Economy SME or a startup in the energy intensive industries or operating in the value chains in the energy-intensive industry ecosystem? ...
Source of Funding: CETPartnership
Lead Partner (Country): Malta
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a multilateral and strategic Hor ...
Xjenza Malta is currently seeking to recruit 2 Executives (Research & Innovation) who will be responsible for designing and management of R&I initiatives, cultivating robust connections with e ...
DIGI+ is embedded within Ireland’s leading SFI-funded research centres, Lero and Adapt, bringing together a group of world-leading experts. Together with outstanding working conditions that support ...
The PV Technology Laboratory of the FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy ofthe University of Cyprus announces one (1) vacancy for a full-time or part-time Special Scientist position to work on ...
The PV Technology Laboratory of the FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy of the University of Cyprus announces one (1) vacancy for a full-time or part-time Special Scientist position to work on ...