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The research team of Project BIMA recently visited the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) regassification plant at Delimara. The regassification plant at Delimara is operated by Reganosa and is tasked with vaporising the LNG from the cryogenic temperature of around 160 Degrees Celsius below freezing point to ambient temperature. The Natural Gas in Liquid state (LNG) is only moderately pressurised in the Floating Storage Unit (FSU) anchored at Delimara but is then pressurized and pumped at 30 bar in the gaseous/vapour state to be used at the D3 and D4 power stations.
LNG is the main fuel source at the Delimara Power Station and is also the fuel being considered for marine dual fuel engines in Project BIMA. LNG vaporised to Natural Gas (NG) is used in the diesel engines of the D3 plant while NG is used in the gas turbines of the D4 plant.
The researchers of project BIMA wish to thank Reganosa for organising this visit which helped the team better understand and visualise the associated plant required and used for LNG operation. Reganosa Malta Ltd. are the operators of the LNG regasification plant, while ElectroGas Malta (EGM) are the owners of the plant.
The research in project BIMA is being conducted in collaboration with the Gozo Channel Company Limited, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China and Henan Diesel Engines Industry Co. Ltd, Luoyang, China.
Project dual fuel engine technology and dynamic Behaviour Improvement for Marine Application (BIMA) received funding from the Xjenza Malta and the Ministry for Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MOST), through the Sino-Malta Fund 2021 (Science and Technology Cooperation).
Photo at Delimara, from left to right Aidan James Azzopardi, Thor Scicluna and Mario Farrugia.